Alternative Pasta Suggestions for Gluten Free Life

For many people deciding to go gluten free, one of the hardest foods to let go is pasta. After all, who does not love a good plate of spaghetti on a cold winter’s day or a heaping plate of pasta salad in the heat of the summer season? Many find — as did I — that they did not realize how big a part of their diet pasta had become until it was no longer permitted, due to a need to be gluten free. Suddenly, spaghetti night is done; pizza with the family while watching a movie: finished. It is a hard reality to bear, even if essential for Celiacs and those severely intolerant to gluten. But, have no fear! There are alternatives that are tasty and do bring the love for pasta back to the forefront of your gluten free life again.

Brown rice pasta is similar in texture to whole wheat pasta noodles. Free of gluten and wheat, it is the closest alternative that lovers of Italian food will likely find to curb their pasta cravings. The only downside is that it is not as low on the glycemic index as other options so diabetics should note this.

Buckwheat noodles are a tricky proposition and you need to read labels carefully as most DO contain wheat in them. However, buckwheat sweet potato noodles are free of wheat, low on the glycemic index, and help to level out cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body. These noodles are a weightier alternative to wheat-based noodles, but are better than having no pasta at all.

Konjac noodles, marketed in the United States by the Miracle Noodle company, are made from the konjac plant, which is native to Asia, and are a very long noodle that needs cut for easy preparation. These noodles come pre-packed in a fishy smelling water, a smell which cooks out when the noodles are prepared. The Konjac noodle almost has a rubbery feel but they do pick up the flavor of whatever dish you are preparing. The benefit to these noodles is their quick preparation time. A pasta dish can be prepared very quickly with these noodles.

Corn pasta is another gluten free alternative to traditional wheat pastas. It is often combined with quinoa or rice to make the noodles. This pasta is best when paired with flavors that do not overpower its natural corn flavoring.

So as you can see, all is not lost for pasta if you have had to go gluten free due to sensitivity or Celiac. You can still enjoy your favorite pasta dishes without the headaches, insomnia and other nasty side effects of gluten consumption. Where there is a will, there is always a way!

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1 thought on “Alternative Pasta Suggestions for Gluten Free Life

  1. Espirational

    There are also veggie alternatives. I rarely buy gluten free pasta because we really love spaghetti squash. You can also cut pasta shaped ribbons from other veggies such as zucchini and carrots.



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